System Builder

The following topics will be covered in order to guide you through your first use of the .

1. Adding molecules to the bilayer
2. Setting up the bilayer
3. INSANE program settings
4. Visualizing and using the system
Because the service makes use of our computational resources, it is required for you to sign in order to have access to the

Adding molecules

By default, no molecule is selected at the startup. You can choose the molecule to be inserted in the membrane from three kinds of sources:
  • Database of molecules: these are all the public molecules currently stored on the MAD server.
  • History: these are your private molecules that you previously processed in the molecule builder.
  • Upload: the advanced user can upload the required set coordinates, topology and itp files for a molecule from their hard drive.
info_outline If the user does not add a molecule, a simple bilayer will be generated. In that case, the user will be prompted to choose a force field version. Otherwise, the force field version is automatically inferred from the chosen/uploaded molecule.
Please select the 1pt4 from your history and proceed to NEXT section.

Setting the bilayer compostion

By default, you must select at least one type of lipids and the lower and upper leaflets have identical composition. You can modify the lipid bilayer composition or even remove it entirely with the following options:
  • Toggle the addition of lipids: If set to no the system will be a box of water with no lipid bilayer.
  • Add Lipid: Select the different phospholipds to be added to the bilayer composition. Individual type and ratio can be set.
  • Separate lower and upper leaflet: set up common or separated lipid compositions for the two leaflets.
Please select a separate lipid composition of 1 DIPC and 1 DLPC for the upper and lower leaflets respectively. Then proceed to NEXT section.

INSANE program settings

Here you can modify the execution parameters of the INSANE software. Default parameters are preselected to ensure a safe generation of the system coordinates. Still, many options are available should you require additional setup conditions.
warning Extreme values for some parameters may cause the INSANE software to early exit out of errors. In such cases, MAD will warn you and you will be able to retry with other parameter values.
  • Periodic boundary conditions: Set the geometry and dimensions of the simulation box.
  • Lipid options: Define the membrane lipid spacing for the molecules distribution across the bilayer.
  • Protein options: Place the protein at the bilayer center, eventually orienting it.
  • Water, salt and solvent options: Define system total charge, salt concentration and solvent type.
lock_open For experienced INSANE users, specific options are available through the ADVANCE SETTINGS panel. These options won't be covered in this tutorial as they required advanced knowledge of the INSANE program.
You can leave all values to default and proceed to CREATE SYSTEM

Visualizing and using the system

The viewer section of the allows for a final visual inspection of the system. The molecular structures of the molecules are displayed in the leaflets and the surrounding water. Water molecules can be shown, with proper coloring for the charged ions (bottom left). Membrane lipids and the embeded protein are displayed in ball and sitck representation (lower right). A size reduction is applied to the actual Martini3 beads to avoid the cluttering of representation.
Retrieve you molecular dynamic input files in itp, pdb and gro formats with the DOWNLOAD link


  1. Wassenaar T.A., Ingólfsson H.I., Böckmann R.A. et al.Computational Lipidomics with insane: A Versatile Tool for Generating Custom Membranes for Molecular Simulations. J. Chem Theory Comput (2015) 11, 2144-2155. doi : 10.1021/acs.jctc.5b00209